You Haiku Too

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an experimental fusion of haiku brought to you by "chick and duck and L-aphant"


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wSaturday, August 11, 2001

empty without you
on the search for nourishment
a slice of true love

posted by chick and duck 5:47 AM --


i can't see the tag
a voluptuous beauty
what is your number
-for winnie-

posted by chick and duck 5:38 AM --


thirsty for some fun
melonballs are dangerous
kneeling at the throne
-for leslie-

posted by chick and duck 5:33 AM --

wThursday, August 09, 2001

chick and duck eat fish
digesting nuggets of thought
a fillet o' life

posted by chick and duck 3:38 AM --


my breath offends you
reeling in the nicotine
i am a hooked fish

posted by chick and duck 2:54 AM --


surfing for a job
frustration sweats out of me
everlasting drought

posted by chick and duck 2:53 AM --

wWednesday, August 08, 2001

walking in these shoes
i feel your blistering pain
deceptive beauty

posted by chick and duck 5:43 PM --


reading poetry
at bedtime with chick and duck
swimming with the words

posted by chick and duck 12:27 PM --


waiting for amit
she stealthily disappears
she is a sucker

posted by chick and duck 12:26 PM --


hi kou how are you
sitting on a ferry boat
my life is drowning

posted by chick and duck 12:25 PM --